The Good Enough Writing Workshop — Peer Feedback &c.


The Good Enough Workshop is an online group for sharing and getting peer feedback on fiction, poetry, song, creative nonfiction — and TV, film, or stage scripts.

The meetings are organized through Meetup. To post and read texts, request access to the Dropbox by contacting me. If either is an obstacle or you are having trouble, let me know.


TEXT LENGTH: Most texts should be not longer than about 1000 to 1500 words. Longer texts can be serialized week by week or, once you're a regular member, you can ask the group if it's okay to post something a bit longer for the following session. In any case, writers should plan to read their text to the group but also post a copy beforehand in the Dropbox.

If the text is an extract from a novel or longer work, please post the work from the beginning and give us a short and unique phrase we can search for (e.g., "she pulled the dagger out of her heart and ran after her attacker"). If it is important to the understanding of the project, you can also include a short "dust jacket blurb" to orient your readers.

SHARE and READ the texts ahead of time (as is possible). Be sure to give to the group as much as you take from it.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: The writing that each writer shares with the group is their own; it may not be kept, passed on, reproduced, or appropriated in any way without the express written permission of the author.

DROPBOX: The texts are shared on Dropbox. Look for the dated folder and put it inside. If you can, post a comment on Meetup when you've put your text in the Dropbox.

WHERE'S THE DROPBOX LINK? If you do not have the link for the Dropbox, please send us a message here with the email address you use for Dropbox. If you don't have Dropbox, you can sign up for it with this link. (Note that you want "Dropbox Basic" which is completely free and below the button for the free trial; if you're having trouble, contact Gordon.) The link to Zoom is also there, in a text file in the root folder.

VISITORS and newcomers are very welcome! Please know that SHARING is OPTIONAL and EARNED! Several of our most beloved members help by giving thoughtful comments but do not (as yet) share their texts. This helps make the group work. If you’re new or occasional, do not assume you can share your work when you first join us. Pay it forward!

DONATIONS: Organizing these meetings takes time and energy (and money for the Meetup site). If you want to support these efforts, please see my about me page to help support these efforts.

**You can sign up to our very occasional newsletter here. **